Sale Trends: Casula

Of the 100 residential sales shown in the suburb of Casula the average sale value equated to $1,063,748 with a median value of $1,000,000 between October 2024 and February 2025. Of the 76 resales analysed by AreaSearch, there was an average gain on sale of $415,148 from an aggregate holding period of 9.3 years. This reflects an annual appreciation rate of 5.4% p.a., or a typical gain of $44,539 for each year held.

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SOURCE: NSW Valuer General transactions analysed by AreaSearch
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Avatar Pricing and Volume Trends - Casula, 2170

SELECT DATA    All Dwellings | Annual | Pricing | 2 Areas Selected

Greater Sydney
Annual Median Housing Price - All Dwellings$1,200,000$1,200,000$1,000,000$1,000,000$800,000$800,000$600,000$600,000$400,000$400,000$200,000$200,000201020102011201120122012201320132014201420152015201620162017201720182018201920192020202020212021202220222023202320242024
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Sales Trends FAQ

What is the median sale price in Casula as of 2024?

As of 2024, the median sale price overall in Casula is $985,000. The median sale price for houses is $1,145,000, and for attached dwellings is $830,000.

How has the median sale price changed in Casula over the last 10 years?

Over the last 10 years, from 2014 to 2024, the median sale price in Casula increased by 83.7%, from $536,250 to $985,000. This represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.3%. This can be influenced by varying sales compositions; however, the median sale price for houses increased by 99.1% (CAGR: 7.1%), and for attached dwellings it increased by 93.9% (CAGR: 6.8%).

What is the proportion of house and unit sales in Casula over the last 10 years?

Over the last 10 years, in Casula, approximately 71.6% of sales were houses, and 28.4% were attached dwellings.

What are the median number of years properties are held between sales for houses and units in Casula?

As at 2024, houses are held for a median of 8.9 years, while attached dwellings are held for a median of 6.0 years.

What are the typical resale gains for houses and units in Casula?

As at 2024, the median gain over the prior sale for houses in Casula is $488,500, and for attached dwellings it is $187,200.

Which property type, houses or attached dwellings, has shown higher growth in Casula over the last 10 years?

Over the last 10 years, Casula has seen higher growth in median sale prices for houses (99.1%) compared to attached dwellings (93.9%).

How does the mix of houses and attached dwellings affect the overall market trends in Casula?

The mix of dwelling types in Casula influences market trends. A higher proportion of attached dwelling sales (28.4%) may contribute to different growth rates compared to areas with more house sales. It's important to consider both segments when analyzing the market.

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SOURCE: NSW Valuer General transactions analysed by AreaSearch
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